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- Clinical Academic Appointments (MD)
Clinical Academic Appointments (MD)
- Clinical Faculty: An individual or individuals, licensed to practice medicine in Ontario and holding a Medical-Dental staff appointment on the Active Staff (or equivalent) of a fully-affiliated teaching hospital or community teaching hospital, or an affiliated community practice or, less often, working in a community clinic, industry or in private practice, and appointed as clinical faculty in a Faculty of Medicine clinical department.
- Academic Activities: Research, creative professional activity as defined in University policy, teaching (including provisions of clinical care that may involve supervision of students, residents, or other clinical trainees, academic administration or work that is deemed by the Faculty of Medicine to be directly in support of University academic work by other clinical faculty.
Academic Appointment Categories (Clinical Faculty) – Full Time, Part Time, Adjunct:
The clinical academic faculty appointment group is based on the time engaged in Department of Psychiatry academic activities.
- Full-time appointment is given to clinical candidates who spend 80-100% of their time involved in university activities and who are members of a conforming practice plan.
- Part-time appointment is given to clinical candidate who spend 20-79% of their time involved in the academic mission.
- Adjunct appointment is given to clinical candidates who spend 19% or less of their time involved in the University academic mission.
For detailed descriptions, see pg 45-46 in the Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical (MD) Faculty.
Ranks (Clinical Faculty)
Lecturer - The usual entry level rank for faculty.
Assistant Professor – Initial appointment at this rank requires the successful completion of a recognized graduate program or an advanced training experience deemed to be equivalent to a Master’s level program in a field related to current academic work. Normally, the degree program must have been completed as documented by a successful defense of a thesis and awarding the degree prior to the submission of the request for appointment. Normally, the thesis results in at least one first authored scholarly publication in a high quality peer reviewed journal.
Associate Professor - Initial appointment at this rank requires the candidate to have academic productivity and / or local or regional distinction. Faculty members may be promoted to Associate Professor after five years at Assistant Professor.
Professor – Initial appointment at this rank requires the candidate to have national/international levels of academic distinction and/or extreme productivity.
See FAAC manual for detailed rank criteria.
Clinical Appointments Checklist
Please DO NOT submit your application until you have all of the required documents listed here ready to upload:
- Online application form
- Cover Letter
- CV - WebCV format
- Teaching Dossier - This is only required for Clinician Teachers at Assistant/Associate/Full Professor rank (optional for others)
- CPSO Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC):
- Psychiatrist-in-Chief (PIC) support letter (sample/ checklist attached)
- U of T Division Director support letter
- Academic Position Description (APD): Signed by Head of Psychiatry/PIC, Division Director and faculty member
- 2 reference letters
The Department will not accept incomplete applications. Please submit your application with ALL the required documents listed on our website and in the checklist. Applications with partially submitted documents WILL be rejected.
Download the Clinical Appointments Checklist
Application Process (Clinical Faculty)
Please refer to the table below for required documents to be attached with your online application.
All documents must be dated within 1 year of the application submission, with the exception of the Certificate of Professional Conduct (see note below).
Full-Time |
Part-Time |
Adjunct |
x |
x |
x |
Cover Letter |
x |
x |
x |
CV |
x |
x |
x |
Teaching Dossier
Only required for Clinician Teachers at Assistant/Associate/Full Professor rank (optional for others) |
optional |
optional |
CPSO Certificate of Professional Conduct (CPC)
x |
x |
x |
Head of Psychiatry/ Psychiatrist-in-Chief (PIC) support letter |
x |
x |
x |
U of T Division Director support letter |
x |
x |
x |
Academic Position Description (APD)
Clinician Educator – Full Time |
x |
x |
optional |
2 reference letters
x |
Only required for Assistant/Associate/Full Professor rank |
Formal search documentation
Only required if formal search occurred |
Academic Position Description Categories
The categories, criteria, and conditions of appointments, shall be based on academic position descriptions. All submitted applications MUST use the Department of Psychiatry templates below.
Note: Please obtain the signature of the Division Director before submitting the APD. Contact information for Division Directors can be found here.