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Education Awards for Faculty
Educations awards celebrate the exemplary work of faculty do to educate the next generation of psychiatrists and clinicians. See all the awards and information on how to apply below. Unless otherwise stated, the deadline for nominations/applications for awards is 11:59 pm, April 18, 2024.
Allen B. Tennen Award for Excellence in the Teaching and Supervision of Psychotherapy
Annual earned income will be used to purchase a work of art, to be awarded to the winner of nominations of residents in the spring of each academic year. A selection committee consisting of members of the Psychotherapy Program faculty and resident representatives will evaluate the nominations and select an awardee. The award will consist of an object of art and an appropriate certificate of award that will be announced at the departmental dinner and presented at the end of the academic year.
Type: Philanthropic
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: The award winner receives a work of art of their choice
Residents in psychiatry are encouraged to nominate for this award a psychotherapy supervisor who meets the criteria for the award which include:
Demonstrated expertise in the teaching and supervision of psychotherapy.
Effecting a significant contribution to the resident’s professional development as a psychotherapist.
Providing training both in the knowledge and the ethics of psychotherapy.
Nominees are faculty members who work either full-time or part-time within the university.
Nominees reflect teaching and supervision in any of the psychotherapeutic modalities taught at the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry.
Nomination process:
Nominations should be forwarded in writing, with a description provided of the nominee’s exemplary achievement of these award criteria. Letters of nomination should be received by Dr. Shelly McMain, Head, Psychotherapy Stream/PHES Division, c/o Erika Schmidt, CAMH, 80 Workman Way, 5th Floor 5320J, Toronto ON M6J 1H4 (electronic submissions to
A selection committee consisting of members of the Psychotherapy Program faculty and resident representatives will evaluate the nominations and select an awardee. The award will consist of an object of art and an appropriate certificate of award that will be announced at the departmental dinner and presented at the end of the academic year.
Abraham Miller Award for Undergraduate Teaching
The Abraham Miller Award is a significant departmental award presented annually at the Departmental Dinner to an outstanding educator/teacher in the realm of undergraduate education. Excellence may be in the areas of teaching, educational administration or development of curriculum or evaluation methodology.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: $500
Although teaching performance is the main criteria for this award, the Awards Committee will consider overall contributions, and particularly innovations in Undergraduate Education in Psychiatry. Quantitative TES data will be reviewed and compared along with any qualitative evaluations provided in the nomination package.
Nomination process:
Nominations for the Abraham Miller Award are to be made by the Psychiatrists-in-Chief or the Program Heads. Please consider nominating a teacher from your site who has excelled in Undergraduate Education over the past academic year.
Nominations must include:
- A letter summarizing your reasons for putting forward the nominee.
- A letter of support from the Undergraduate Coordinator at the nominee’s site (if the nominee is not the Undergraduate Coordinator).
- Nominations are strengthened by the inclusion of:
- Submission of the teaching dossier of the nominee.
- Letters from undergraduate students taught by the nominee or colleagues who teach with the nominee.
Nominations may be submitted to the email.
Department of Psychiatry Award for Academic Excellence in Psychotherapy
Teachers or colleagues for the Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence to recognize contributions that exemplify integrity, innovation and impact through teaching and education, research, clinical services, education scholarship or creative professional activities in psychotherapy.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: $500
Please consider nominating one of your teachers or colleagues for the Psychotherapy Award for Academic Excellence to recognize contributions that exemplify integrity, innovation and impact through teaching and education, research, clinical services, education scholarship or creative professional activities in psychotherapy.
Nomination process:
Nominations can be submitted by residents and faculty. All active members of the faculty of the University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry are eligible for this award.
Two letters of nomination are required detailing the nature of the academic contribution and merit, explaining why the nominee should receive this award. The prize consists of $500 and a certificate.
Nominations may be submitted to the email.
Department of Psychiatry Award for Excellence or Innovation in Faculty Development Program
This award recognizes an individual or group in the Department of Psychiatry for innovation and excellence in faculty development design and development leading to the enhancement of faculty members’ teaching, education, administration, leadership, scholarship, and/or advocacy knowledge, skills, or attitudes.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty Member (who directs or lead the Program); in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto; Must be nominated by someone outside of the Program
Amount: $500
Evidence that the program is scholarly and innovative:
• Program rationale
• Well defined course objectives
• Demonstration that the program meets a defined educational need
• Originality, experimentation, and innovation in course/program design
• Indication that the course is well organized with progression of subject matter
• Effective and innovative use of learning aids and technologies
Program Content
• Match of subject matter to course/program objectives and to learners
• Relevance of subject matter
• Presentation of subject matter to stimulate reflection and critical thinking
• Innovation in enhancing education scholarship among faculty
Program Evaluation
• Outstanding program evaluation results
• Should ideally include some evaluation methodologies beyond participant satisfaction
• Should ideally include evidence of or plans for dissemination (ie. presentation at conferences, publication, etc.)
Nomination process:
- Letters:
a: A letter of nomination must be submitted electronically by the lead for the FD program being nominated and should be accompanied by a letter of support from one of the following: Division head or Hospital Psychiatrist-in-chief or Education Program Director.
b: Nomination letters should indicate why the program should be recognized and how it meets the criteria for the award. Most criteria should be directly addressed
c: Additional supporting letter(s) and/or materials (e.g. program participant comments etc.)
- Program description materials:
a: Program rationale and description (500 words or less)
b: Program syllabus and sample program materials
c: Summary of Program Evaluation Results
Selection Process:
Evaluation of the nominees will include use of FD development best practices, creativity of the educational design, and impact on learners and in their academic roles/development
- Nomination Submission Deadline: April 18, 2024
- Items not in electronic format should be scanned and emailed.
- Additional Information Contact:
Ann-Marie Rasiawan, Event Plan Coordinator, Faculty Development/CPPD
Phone: 416-535-8501 X 33104
Nominations may be submitted to the email.
Dr. George Voineskos Mentorship Award in Psychiatry
This award was established in 2020 through a donation to the Department of Psychiatry from the Voineskos family to honor Dr. George Voineskos and his commitment to the role of mentors in supporting junior faculty.
Type: Philanthropic
Eligible recipients: The award is open to any faculty member and current or past faculty or trainee mentee (i.e., the mentee may have advanced in their career). The faculty member must have a current primary appointment in the Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto.
Amount: $4,000, to be divided equally between mentor and mentee recipients
This award recognizes a track record of sustained and outstanding mentorship activities as demonstrated by a clear description of specific mentorship activities with linkage to a specific examples of a mentee’s career development outcomes or milestones.
Nomination process:
The faculty mentor and one mentee should submit their CVs and a letter (up to 4 pages) detailing the mentor-mentee activities and the resulting accomplishments of the mentee. The letter should also describe how the mentor contributed to a particular impact in the mentee’s trajectory and in turn how the mentee responded or overcame challenges with the help of the mentor. This letter may be submitted by the mentor, the mentee, or a nominator who can speak to the impact of the mentor and their mentorship.
Reviewers of the nominations will consider the following:
Description of mentorship activities
- Role of mentor/ mentee (i.e., strengths or tack record of mentor; evidence of supporting junior faculty; clear description and evidence of applicants’ roles as mentor/ mentee in scholarly activities described and how they are distinct from mentor or other faculty).
Impact and Significance of mentorship activities
- Were mentorship-related activities or outcomes evaluated through an evaluation of a program, output or process? Did an evaluation process of the mentorship relationship occur?
- Evidence of significant impacts or change to community/population/ policy or clinical practice as result of mentorship activity/activities.
- Evidence that mentorship resulted in furthering of mentee’s career development beyond that of specific project or activity (e.g., negotiation of new position, mentee now acts a mentor, development or furthering of program of research, clinical skills, CPA or Educational activity)
Evidence of dissemination of scholarly activity that occurred as result of mentorship activity/activities.
Evidence of sustained mentor/mentee relationship
The Vice-Chair, Equity and Mentorship will chair an advisory committee that will review the nominations and select one mentor and their mentee annually to receive the award. The award consists of $ 4,000 shared between the faculty mentor and their mentee and a certificate for each.
Nominations may be submitted to the email.
Forensic Psychiatry Subspecialty Excellence in Teaching Award
The award is open to any forensic faculty in the Department of Psychiatry who is involved in a supervisory or teaching capacity with one or more Forensic Psychiatry Subspecialty resident(s).
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty faculty in the Department of Psychiatry who is involved in a supervisory or teaching capacity with one or more Forensic Psychiatry Subspecialty resident(s).
Amount: $500
- The candidate will have demonstrated excellence in teaching by meeting many, though not necessarily all, of the following criteria:
- Stimulates resident interest in Forensic Psychiatry by an attitude of enthusiasm and a demonstration of comprehensive knowledge and skill in the field.
- Demonstrates an ability to appropriately respond to the resident’s level of training.
- Instructs resident(s) by applying theoretical constructs to clinical issues, bringing more clarity to the practice of Forensic Psychiatry.
- Promotes critical thinking and clinical excellence in patient care.
- Uses innovative and evidence-based teaching methods.
Nomination process:
PGY6 Forensic Residents are asked to submit a letter of nomination to the Chair of the Selection Committee c/o Sandra Caswell at
The Selection Committee will reach consensus on the award winner based on the quality and strength of the letters of nomination, and the degree to which the teacher meets the selection criteria.
Ivan L. Silver Award for Excellence in Psychiatry Continuing Professional and Practice Development
This award recognizes an individual or group in the Department of Psychiatry for innovation and excellence in continuing professional and practice development (CPPD), specifically improving mental health care and outcomes in our academic and broader healthcare communities. The award focuses on innovative education programming demonstrating distinction in one or several of the following: the design, educational format, instructional delivery, assessment of outcome and/or performance and quality improvement.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: $500
The CPD activity occurred in the last Academic year.
If the CPD activity is a formal education event (conference, course and/or workshop) it must be approved by the Faculty of Medicine, CPD Office, or by a suitable external academic sponsor if done outside Canada.
Nomination process:
A letter of nomination must be submitted electronically by the lead for the CPD program being nominated and should be accompanied by a letter of support from one of the following: Division head or Hospital Psychiatrist-in-chief
The letter of nomination should describe the CPD activity, outlining the needs assessment, learning objectives, educational design and methodology and evaluation (outcomes). If the activity includes a specific performance or quality improvement focus, this should also be described in the nomination letter. Please include any relevant documentation of the above criteria (evaluations, impact on outcomes, performance measures, quality improvement focus).
Nominations may be submitted to the email.
Marie Mara Award for Resident Advocacy
This award honours Ms. Marie Mara, our former Postgraduate Coordinator for 18 years before she retired in 2008. The award is for the person in our Department who has done the most to better the quality of life and emotional well-being of psychiatry residents. It can be awarded to staff and education assistants or faculty. Nominations are submitted by Department of Psychiatry residents.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty, staff, education assistants
Amount: $500
The award is for the person in our Department who has done the most to better the quality of life and emotional well-being of psychiatry residents.
Nomination process:
Please send an email providing a rationale for why this individual is deserving of the Marie Mara Advocacy Award. Group nominations will be gladly accepted.
All Marie Mara Advocacy Award nominations can be sent to
Paul E. Garfinkel Award for Best Fellowship Supervision
Fellows currently registered with the University of Toronto’s Psychiatry Fellowship Program are invited to nominate their supervisors by submitting a written nomination. Supervisors are nominated for their dedication to support professional and personal development as a clinician and/or researcher, by encouraging collaboration and engagement with other scholars and/or the community, and by acting as a role model and mentor.
Paul E. Garfinkel Award for excellence in supervision is a recognition of faculty supervisors’ dedication to mentoring fellows, and is important for their dossiers and academic promotion.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Supervisors must be faculty of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. The Fellowship Program Director and Fellowship Site Coordinators are not eligible for nomination to this award.
Amount: $500
The selection process adheres to principles of fairness, participation and information disclosure. Fellows nominate their supervisor based on the following criteria:
1) Support – supervision and mentorship
2) Collaboration – the degree to which the supervisor encourages/supports attendance at conferences and/or manuscript presentation/submission
3) Professionalism/role modeling
Nomination process:
Fellows are invited to submit a written nomination for their supervisor to the fellowship office ( The fellowship program coordinator will compile the letters and submit to the awards committee, who review the nominations and select a winner.
Paul Steinhauer Award for Best Postgraduate Teacher in Child and Youth Mental Health
Awarded to a mental health professional who has an academic appointment at the University of Toronto and is involved in a supervisory or teaching capacity with one or more core or subspecialty Child and Adolescent psychiatry resident(s).
The award is open to any mental health professional who has an academic appointment at the University of Toronto and is involved in a supervisory or teaching capacity with one or more core or subspecialty Child and Adolescent psychiatry resident(s). An individual cannot be nominated for the award within 10-years of having received it.
Being chosen for this Divisional award will not exclude a teacher from being nominated for the Departmental (Robin Hunter) Award for the best postgraduate teacher. Thus, a resident could nominate the same person for both, and should contact the Psychiatry Residency Association of Toronto (P.R.A.T) executive if they wish to support a teacher for the Departmental award as well as this one. Similarly, faculty in the Division of Child and Youth Mental Health are also eligible for other Departmental teaching awards.
Type: Philanthropic
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: Nonmonetary, recipients recieve a plaque from the Hospital for Sick Children.
The candidate must meet many, though not necessarily all of the following criteria:
- Stimulates resident interest in child and youth mental health by an attitude of enthusiasm and a demonstration of comprehensive knowledge and skill in the field.
- Demonstrates an ability to appropriately respond to the resident’s level of training.
- Instructs resident(s) by applying theoretical constructs to clinical issues, bringing more clarity to the practice of child and youth mental health.
- Helps resident(s) understand the relevance and value of child and youth mental health for the practice of general psychiatry.
- Promotes critical thinking and clinical excellence in patient care.
- Has made formal effort to improve educational skills (e.g. has taken special courses in education.)
- Uses innovative teaching methods.
- Is available and reliable.
Nomination process:
Residents are asked to submit a letter of nomination to the Senior Chief Resident(s) in Child and Youth Mental Health. More than one resident may sign a letter; however, multiple letters are accepted.
The Senior Chief Resident(s) will collect the nomination letters and communicate the nominees to all residents who completed a Child and Youth Mental Health rotation (core, subspecialty, or elective) that academic year. The Chief Resident(s) will then call a meeting of all of these residents to review the nomination letters (with or without the author being identified) and discuss the nominees. To avoid penalizing teachers in smaller settings, the final decision on the award winner will not be based on a simple numerical tally of which faculty member received “most letters.” Instead, the group will reach consensus on the award winner based on the quality and strength of the letters, and the degree to which the teacher meets the selection criteria.
Nominations may be submitted to Chief Resident Nikhita Singhal, at
Robin Hunter Award for Postgraduate Teaching
The Robin Hunter Postgraduate Teaching Award is an award presented to a teacher in the Department of Psychiatry, as nominated and selected by residents. The winner will be announced at the Departmental Dinner where s/he will receive a certificate and $500. This award is also used in promotion decisions by the department. Winners within the past 10 years are not eligible to win again, but all nominees will be informed of their nomination.
Type: Departmental
Eligible recipients: Faculty
Amount: $500
- Supervision and teaching at a high academic level while respecting both patient and trainee.
- Interest in the trainee’s personal development and well-being.
- Commitment to the evaluation process, i.e. supervision with constructive feedback and support.
- A positive role-model; shows ability to integrate psychiatry into personal life.
- Consideration of the ethics and philosophy of psychiatry.
- Scholarly use of reference material and resources.
- Flexibility in problem-solving.
- The ability to teach at different levels.
- Demonstrating high quality of patient care including: Clinical excellence, Ability to relate to and appreciate patient needs and concerns, Ability to deliver clear and relevant patient education.
Nomination process:
Residents nominate teachers by putting their name and a description of why they believe their teacher deserves to win this award. All residents are then asked to vote for one candidate, and the candidate with the most votes is the winner.
PRAT co-presidents advertise the award and ask for nominations from residents. Nominations are then presented to the resident body in a survey. All nominees are informed of their nomination, and only the winner of the award is informed of the result prior to the dinner.
Nominations should be sent to Vincent Tang at by April 18, 2024.