Associate Professor

Anne Rhodes

Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems, Child and Adolescent
St. Michael's Hospital
30 Bond St, Suicide Studies, 2 Shuter Wing, 2010f, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5B 1W8
Appointment Status

Dr. Rhodes is a Research Scientist within the Suicide Studies Unit at St. Michael’s Hospital and an Associate Professor within the Department of Psychiatry and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. She trained and worked as a psychiatric nurse and then completed a PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Toronto.  Her program of research is focused on better understanding the causal pathways to suicidal behaviours in youth to aid prevention efforts. Two major questions are: 1) Why are males more likely to die by suicide than females? and 2) which causal pathways if acted on, would prevent suicides in male and female youth.  Sadly, suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people in Canada, with a similar ranking internationally. Dr. Rhodes works with national and international experts to identify opportunities to better serve these youth and reduce their risk for suicide. She teaches and trains graduate students and regularly consults with a range of stakeholders to help build their own research capacity.  She has held a MOHLTC Career Scientist Award, a CIHR Best Brains Exchange Award and recently received the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention Research Award for outstanding service to the people of Canada.