Associate Professor

Carmen Wiebe

Psychotherapy, Humanities, and Psychosocial Interventions


Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
33 Russell St, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 2S1
Appointment Status

Carmen Wiebe, MD, FRCPC is a staff psychiatrist in the Borderline Personality Disorder Clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Toronto. She offers individual therapy, group skills training and medication management within the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy programme. She coordinates University of Toronto psychiatry resident exposure to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy. She also teaches extensively across Ontario on BPD and DBT, and has received three teaching awards: the Ivan Silver Award for Excellence in Continuing Mental Health Education (Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto), the Colin Woolf Award for Excellence in Course Coordination (Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto), and the Joint CPA-COPCE Award for the Most Outstanding Continuing Education Activity in Psychiatry (academic) in Canada.