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Hy Bloom
B.A., LL.B., M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)

I am a qualified medical practitioner, licensed to practice medicine in the provinces of Ontario and Nova Scotia. I hold specialty certification in Psychiatry, and subspecialty certification in forensic psychiatry granted by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (“RCPSC”) in 1989 and 2013, respectively. The focus of my practice is Forensic Psychiatry, which can be described as that subspecialty in psychiatry that provides consultation and expertise whenever a psychological or mental health concern is an issue in a legal proceeding. I am also a part time staff member in the Complex Mental Disorders Program (which subsumes Forensic Psychiatry) at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (“CAMH”). I hold the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. I am also an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University and a sessional lecturer (Adjunct Faculty) with the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. I am trained as a lawyer. I am a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Research Synopsis
Expert Witness Issues Workplace Violence Fitness to Stand Trial Mental Health Courts Expert Witness Issues Workplace Violence Fitness to Stand Trial Mental Health Courts
Recent Publications
Bloom, H., & Schneider, The Hon. Mr. Justice R. (eds), (2017) Mental Disorder and the Law: A Primer for Legal and Mental Health Professionals, Second Edition. Irwin Law.
Bloom, H., & Schneider, The Hon. Mr. Justice R. (eds), (2013) Law and Mental Disorder: A Comprehensive and Practical Approach. Irwin Law.