Assistant Professor

June Lam

Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems


Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
60 White Squirrel Way, Toronto, Ontario Canada M6J 1H4
Appointment Status


  • BSc (2010), MD, CM (2014), FRCPC (2019), Youth Psychiatry Fellow (2020)

Professional Memberships

  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, CPSO, CMPA

Dr. June Lam received his Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology at the University of British Columbia. He completed his medical training at McGill University and his psychiatry residency at the University of Toronto. He recently finished his fellowship in youth psychiatry at the University of Toronto. He is currently working clinically at the CAMH Adult Gender Identity Clinic and the University of Toronto’s Health and Wellness Centre. He is also working on his PhD thesis in clinical epidemiology focusing on access to acute mental health care and post-discharge mental healthcare for transgender and gender diverse people in Ontario. His research has focused on 2SLGBTQ+ mental health and cultural psychiatry. He has experience in qualitative research, research using health administrative data, and mixed methods research.


Research Synopsis


Research interests: 2SLGBTQ+ mental health, mixed methods research, qualitative research, clinical epidemiology, health services research, cultural psychiatry.


Recent Publications


Lam JSH, Links PS, Shera W, Law S, Fung WLA, Tsang AKT, Eynan R, Zhang X, Liu P, Zaheer J. 2020. Lessons from a Canada-China cross-national qualitative suicide research collaboration. Global Public Health. doi: 10.1080/17441692.2020.1771394

Abramovich A, Lam JSH, Chowdhury M. 2020. A Transgender Refugee Woman Experiencing PTSD Symptoms and Homelessness. CMAJ 192(1): E9-E11. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.190974

Zaheer J, Olfson M, Mallia E, Lam JSH, Carvalho AF, De Oliveira C, Rudoler D, Carvalho AF, Jacob BJ, Mallia E, Juda A, Kurdyak P. 2020. Predictors of Suicide at Time of Diagnosis in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder: a 20-Year Total Population Study in Ontario, Canada. Schizophrenia Research. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.04.025

Lam JSH, Abramovich A. 2019. Five things to know about…Trans inclusive care. CMAJ 191(3): E79. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.180954.

Zaheer J, Shera W, Lam JSH, Fung WLA, Law S, Links PS. 2019. “I think I am worth it. I can give up committing suicide”: Pathways to Recovery for Chinese-Canadian Women with a History of Suicidal Behaviour. Transcultural Psychiatry 56(2): 305-326. doi: 10.1177/1363461518818276.

Zaheer J, Eynan R, Lam JSH, Grundland M, Links PS. 2018. “We went out to explore, but gained nothing but illness”: Immigration expectations, reality, risk and resilience in Chinese-Canadian women with a history of suicide-related behaviour. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 42(3): 504- 34. doi: 10.1007/s11013-018-9566-y.

Lam JSH, Gajaria A, Matthews DM, Zaheer J. 2016. Bridging Cultural Psychiatry and Global Mental Health: a Resident-Led Initiative. Academic Psychiatry 40(4): 729-30. doi: 10.1007/s40596-016- 0576-1. 2016






Honours and Awards

Name: 2020: University of Toronto Clinician/Graduate Scientist Scholarship
Name: 2019: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Award
Name: 2019: University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Research Awards, Chisholm Memorial Fellowship and William S. Fenwick Research Fellowship





2019: The O’Brien Scholars Program in Child and Youth Mental Health & The Cundill Centre Scholars Program