Lecturer  |  Clinician Teacher

Shari Bai

Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems


Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
100 Stokes St, Toronto, Ontario Canada M6J 1H4
Appointment Status

Shari Bai, MD CM, FRCPC, is a staff psychiatrist in the Mood & Anxiety Department of CAMH. Dr. Bai's research interests focus on the intersection of outpatient psychiatry and technology, particularly eCBT, and the use of wearable devices for patient care.
Dr. Bai graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University. She pursued her residency in psychiatry at the University of Toronto. While at the University of Toronto, Dr. Bai was the recipient of an Honourable Mention in The Isaac Sakinofsky Essay Prize in Suicidology and was nominated for the W.H. Tremain Memorial Award of Excellence.